Shipping of Fragile Items

14 Tips for Successful Shipping of Fragile Items in 2021:

Nothing is more exciting than opening clean, crisp packaging boxes. Customers love the boxes that come in perfect shape and condition. As good as it sounds, most packaging boxes come with scratches, scrapes, and whatnot. Hoping for 100% shape and secure packaging is a mere utopia that is very hard to find today. Especially if your packaged items are fragile, you need some extra care and consideration. Although no magic spell can turn a crushed box back to a cleaner one, you can follow some handy tips to save yourself from a dented box.

Best Tips for Successful Shipping of Fragile Items in 2021:

Here are 14 go-to tips for the successful shipping of fragile goods in 2021. Follow these innovative ways to protect your fragile items from smudges and scratches:

  1. Pack with care and devotion:

It may sound pretentious, but packing your packing boxes with conscious care can make a huge difference. Fragile packages are prone to accidental drops and unexpected hits. However, using the right amount of time to pack your fragile items carefully can save your packaging boxes from cracks and crumbles. Make sure you put inexperienced staff to fill all the goods with complete concern. Even if the work demands time, you may want to invest your time to ensure safe packaging and completely protected internal content.

  1. Pick the correct box size:

We are often confused about the box size options available at hand. Some of us believe that picking larger boxes can help in eliminating bumping and damage. You may also think that large box sizes can provide additional room for the product to reduce trauma. Similarly, people believe that using smaller boxes that fit the items entirely can help nestle the product in all the right ways. So, how do we know what works the best? The answer is a box that is 2-3 inches larger than the items inside. This magic number provides suitable space and dimension to the things while also sparing you many opportunity costs that would have been incurred using a larger box.

  1. Look for the ideal material:

A package that comes in perfect shape and size must also have the ideal box material.  Picking the suitable box material may seem like a tedious task, but it can magically secure your fragile items. Duke packaging provides various packaging boxes that can safely deliver your packages from production house to delivery. Cardboard boxes are one of the best-used material in 2021 because it is eco-friendly and protective for the fragile items.

  1. Bubble wraps can save your day:

Image delivering expensive glassware or imported perfume to your customers. Every delicate product needs a protective wrap around it to save it from bumps and jolts. Bubble wraps can also be highly cost-effective and assure complete safeguard to fragile items. You can use bubble wraps or peanuts to save your products and unneeded chances of being damaged before delivery. The wrap serves as a barrier between the content and the environment. The best part of all, bubble wraps is not very expensive on the pocket. So, get your hands of a good bubble wrap and cover your fragile products for complete protection.

  1. Fill the void with protective filling

While a bubble wrap clings around the product, some space is left between the product and the box. The 2-3 inches space in the box can still cause severe external damage to your goodies. So, what is the magic number here? Do we get rid of the extra room? The answer is no. You don’t need to buy small boxes at all. All you need is a protective filling to save the box from inevitable drops and damages. You can use crumpled paper, peanuts etc., to make your packaging box secure and safe.

  1. Packaging tapes must be used:

Although the inside of your box is safely protected, its outside needs to adhere well to the products inside, it would help if you used some solid adhesive packaging tapes to wrap around the boxes. These tapes are specifically designed for packaging goods to ensure the complete security of the breakable items. The packaging teams will also ensure no leakage of protective filling or the product itself. Just get a good quality packaging tape and apply it on all sides of your packaging box.

  1. Repeat the packaging process:

After you have applied packaging tape to your box, you now need to repeat the process over again. Make sure you use the packaging tape two to three times around the box. This step will guarantee you complete protection from any chances of damage or breakage. While you may be tempted to repeat the taping process a couple of times, always remember that opening tiring packaging boxes can be unpleasant to the customers. Keep the repeats two to three times to the maximum, and you are good to go.

  1. Pack each item individually:

There is more than one item in a box at times. One of the biggest disasters is caused by packing all the items together. It increases the chances of collisions among the products, leading to unsatisfied service. Wow, your customers by filling each item independently and then placing it gently in your packaging box.

  1. Label your product for caution:

Mishandling of packaging boxes is an unavoidable reality of 2021. With increased businesses and home delivery in the year 2020, the world has shifted to online shopping. Therefore, the pressure on delivery companies has increased manifolds. Your boxes are thrown, bounced from truck to truck, and sometimes even wrecked in the process. So, we suggest you label your package with “Carry with Caution” or “Fragile” to create awareness of your fragile items.

  1. Use new box:

You may want to save incurring costs on the packaging but using old boxes is never a solution. Try to use clean and crisp boxes to impress your customers with safe and dedicated packaging boxes. Duke Packaging can also custom your packaging boxes to ensure the best quality boxes with your personalized designs.

  1. Protect the edges:

If your fragile items have sharp edges, there are chances that you might end up damaging them. It is essential to protect the borders of the content by using protective taping or paddings around the corners. In most cases, covering the edges can ensure the overall safety of the packaging boxes.

  1. Check carefully before sealing:

Once you seal your packaging box, there is no turning back. Although this step appears to be quite obvious, it is vital to maintain product protection. Make sure you give your product a final look before delivering it to the customers. If your packaging box looks visually appealing, it will have that jaw-dropping effect.

  1. Take customer feedback for improvements:

The ultimate goal of perfectly packaged boxes is customer satisfaction. Take regular customer feedbacks regarding your packaging boxes and consider every complaint or feedback. Do not hesitate to improve your packaging according to the wants of your customers.

  1. Use the right help:

While some companies may pack their products, it is often advised it seek professional packaging help. Duke Packaging is an experienced packaging company dedicated to providing quality custom packaging boxes solutions to its customers. Our team of skilled engineers and designers have complete expertise in delivering valuable insights for the full protection of fragile items. Get your personalized packaging boxes today for an all-in-one solution to perfect packaging.

Follow these fantastic tips for the successful shipping of your fragile items. All these tips and tricks can save you a lot of damage or breakage costs. You can consult Duke Packaging for care-free packaging insights and solutions today. Happy packaging!

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